“Readiness for death is that of character, rather than of occupation. It is right living which prepares for safe or even joyous dying.


End-of-Life Doula Services

Line-drawn checklist with hearts on top

End-of-Life Planning

Advance Care Planning is a process of thinking through your values and your wishes for health care and who should be able to make choices for you on your behalf. I can walk you through making and documenting key decisions to ensure that your wishes are respected and followed in the event that you are unable to speak or advocate for yourself.

Additionally, I can work with you to explore your end-of-life options regarding cremation vs. burial, funeral planning, and much more so that your family is not left to make major decisions for you once you are gone.

Line-drawn image of three hearts. There is a big heart in the middle, small hearts on top and bottom

Living Legacies

A legacy can either be something that we prepare for our loved ones before we die, or it could be a project that they create as a way to remember us afterward. Legacies and memorials can offer a meaningful way to keep people present in our daily lives even after they have died. I can offer ideas and assistance in creating legacy projects that will mean the most to you and your family.

Line-drawn image of the backs of three people. The one in the middle has arms around the other two.

Conversation Facilitation

Making decisions for yourself is one thing but communicating those wishes to other people to honour is another. Death remains a topic that most people find uncomfortable discussing. I can help organize “The Family Talk” and facilitate conversations among family members that can be sensitive and sometimes quite difficult. I will help prepare everyone for what to expect when someone is approaching and/or planning for their end of life.

Coffee Cup Counsel
(Grief & Spiritual Support)

While I do not offer professional psychotherapy, I can provide meaningful emotional support for you as you grieve. I will sit with you, listen to whatever you wish to share, and help you work through your grief in a compassionate, empathetic, and educated way. If you would like me to incorporate faith and Biblical teachings into these sessions, I am more than willing to do that, but we do not need to include spirituality if you do not wish to.

Line-drawn coffee cup with steam coming out.

“The death of a child is recognized as the most severe, enduring, and debilitating form of bereavement within the context of human relationships.”


Pregnancy Loss Companionship

The most heartbreaking words expectant parents can hear is, “There is no heartbeat.” In this situation, I can guide you through planning for delivery and coordinate the events of the day on your behalf. Should you desire, I can also be present to offer active support in the delivery room. I can also guide you through all of your options related to your child after delivery, including when, how, and if your child is taken to a funeral home.

Line-drawn image of a pregnant woman with a heart in the belly

Infant & Pregnancy Loss Services

Line-drawn image of a child's hand in an adult's hand with hearts around

Child Legacies

Parents often struggle greatly with how to recognize, honour, and remember a child who they never got to meet, a child who was not born alive, or a child who died very young. I can help you create unique projects to celebrate your child and all the plans you had for the life they never got to lead. I can also assist you with how to respond to hurtful comments from others and how to answer difficult questions such as, “How many children do you have?”

Coffee Cup Counsel
(Postpartum Grief & Spiritual Support)

While I do not offer professional psychotherapy, I can provide you meaningful emotional support through your grief after a miscarriage or a stillbirth. I will sit with you, listen to whatever you wish to share, including relationship struggles due to opposing grieving styles and fears for future pregnancies. I can help you work through your grief in a compassionate, empathetic, and educated way. If you would like me to incorporate faith and Biblical teachings into these sessions, I am more than willing to do that, but we do not need to include spirituality if you do not wish to.

Line-drawn image of two holding hands

Contact me to arrange a free consultation to discuss your needs and how I might be able to help.

Looking up underneath a circle of trees shows bight green leaves and sunlight shining through

“The song has ended but the melody lives on.”